William Shakespeare said :莎士比亞說:
I always feel happy,you know why? 你知道我為什麼一直都很快樂嗎?Because I don't expect anything from anyone. 因為我未期望由任何人那兒得到甚麼.
Expectations always hurt. 期望常會使人受傷.
Life is short. 人生苦短.
So love your life. 要珍惜你的人生.
Be happy and keep smiling. 要快樂、要笑口常開.
Before you speak, listen. 說話前先聆聽.
Before you write, think. 書寫前先靜思.
Before you spend, earn. 花錢前先賺取.
Before you pray, forgive.祈求前先原諒.
Before you hurt, feel. 傷害前先感受.
Before you hate, love. 憎恨前先去愛.
That's Life.Feel it, live it and enjoy it!這就是人生 去感受、去生活、去享受它吧!