- Jun 29 Mon 2015 11:00
- Jun 28 Sun 2015 11:00
- Jun 27 Sat 2015 11:30
In English, there is an order of adjectives that we tend to stick to in speaking and writing. It could be described as a beautiful, big, red, comfortable, leather sofa. The adjectives describe an opinion of the sofa, its size, colour, quality and the material it’s made of. And here is a table showing adjective order for you to take away.
- Jun 26 Fri 2015 11:00
- Jun 25 Thu 2015 11:30
and now You are able to retrieve those 'accidental' emails!
喔~如果你是Gmail frequent user的話,即日起,Gmail新置一個功能"undo send" button讓你有約10-30秒的時間來救回剛剛不小心按錯鍵且未完成的email唷!
對了,順便提一下,目前這function only available on Web version, smartphone version is yet to be available. 所以如果你是時常用電腦來回email的使用者,而且又是Gmail user,那就可以考慮一下到Setting --> general裡去設定一下唷!
- Jun 24 Wed 2015 11:20
威爾斯美語補習班 課程多元、生活化學以致用評價好
- Jun 23 Tue 2015 10:55
Let's get a grip on some Idioms about SUMMER!
Hey folks, summer is ON now.
While you are indulging yourself in any available interested activities, let's play with some English Idioms about SUMMER!
- Jun 22 Mon 2015 10:44
新聞:遊學族必修 威爾斯美語先修班
- Jun 21 Sun 2015 11:30
Hey, how has your long weekend been?
It is Sunday!
- Jun 20 Sat 2015 11:30
4-Square Method - 用圖示法來增進你的口說能力!
Quite often, when English learners around express the difficulties encountered in their quest for the desired English proficiency, one of the frequently-expressed and concerned problems is associated with speaking.
One might find him/herself equipped with sufficient amount of vocabulary while feeling at times frustrated in the event of needing to deliver a speech to a certain group of audience or simply to describe an exciting/upsetting stories to others. The main culprit of such can be a lack of fuency and coherence while the latter is often ignored at lower levels.